Sunday 18 September 2016

The beauty of interdependency of nations

While I'm school there was a time I was obsessed with quotable quotes. In furtherance of my obsession I bought a book twice as big as Oxford advance learners dictionary. I studied the quotes from A to Z but out of all the quotes I memorized, there is one that comes to mind often. Angeloue Maya said on a piano....

"You can play a tune of sort on a black key, you can also play a tune of sort on a white key but for harmony you have to play it together" That does make sense doesn't it
The world is one vast place with different races and tribes. The architect obviously had interdependency in mind and  not for  one nation oppressing or dominating another, not one tribe feeling superior to another. We all are like the strings of a guitar that must be collectively used to produce a beautiful harmonious sound. We are individually and collectively essential for the survival of one another. 

For instance, Africa have the resources but  bedevilled with bad and vision less leaders who lack the mental ability to make the best out of the resources; the west have the brains and technological know how to transform our resources into wonders. You can see the interdependency. The west buys our resources to transform it, after transformation they sell it back to us and we use the money received for the raw materials to pay them for the by- product of the resources...look at the cycle of exchange, the interdependency... No nation has to be poor.

The middle East and too was blessed with some resources but above all the greatest gift given to them is religion. Regardless of the fact that there area is hot and can hardly produce crops, people will have to leave Africa, the west and  other Asian countries to journey to their country searching for the architect. Again, look at the Interdependency. The money Africa realised from the sale of raw materials to the west, the money the west realized from selling the product of the raw materials to the world will be spent on tourism to the middle East in search of the architect and the middle Eastern too will spend that money in return to get technology from the west to beautify and make coming to their country a memorable experience, the west in turn will turn to Africa to get raw materials with same money. The exchange is an endless one and the interdependency is very fascinating.

Why do we think one nation or country is greater or superior to one another when the main purpose of making nations less developed to   each other is to enable easy interdependency and survival of every nation. If every nation is equally developed then there will actually be a lot of poverty and hunger in the world. If Africa has the resources and the technological know how to transform the resources then there will be famine in the West....the same thing goes on for the middle East. A typical example of my Atotonu; recently, Paul Kagame of Rwanda ban second hand clothes from entering his country from USA, Trump sanctioned him on the ground that over 400 thousand of American citizen will loose their job if that is done. Imagine if all African countries follow suite Kagame. 

Why can't we just embrace our uniqueness and crush our egos to appreciate the beauty of this interdependency orchestrated by the Architect. I even always find it funny when people say just because of geographical and complexion differences, one tribe or race is superior to one another. We all are homo sapiens with one life. As far as you don't have two lives then we are all the same. The geographical differences is just a means of boundary identification, the complexion differences is also a means of differentiation and identification, nothing more.

Coming to the realisation of the fact t that no one is superior to another no matter the level of development of some countries, that the dichotomy in level of development is actually for the best and survival of human race will stamp out hatred, and tribal and racial violence.

I decided to write this  because of the Newzealand massacre just because one person thinks his race is superior to other race. Superiority is a fallacy and it has no foundation. 

I once again sympathize to the slain Newzealand prayers are always with you.

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